Born 15th November 1958 in Germagnano (Turin), Italy.
1972 -1974- Trained in drama and stagecraft at Teatro dell’Angolo in Turin, Italy under the guidance of: Giovanni Moretti and Gian Renzo Morteo, professors of theater history at the University of Turin.
Modern dance with Anna Sagna from the Bella Hutter dance school
Trained in acrobatic gymnastic by Giulio Catello from the Royal Theatre of Turin
Workshops and traning with : Julian Beck and the Living Theatre, Meredith Monk,
Eugenio Barba and The Odin Theatre
1974 - Official stage debut at the age of 16
From 1974 until 1995, affiliated with the Teatro dell'Angolo in Turin,
where he has created over 30 performances.
From 1996 co-founder and artistic director of Meridiano Theater of Copenhagen
Playwright, director, actor, composer, set designer and video designer Giacomo Ravicchio Has also produced and directed performances in
Torino, Copenhaghen, Paris, ,Lausanna, Madrid, Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, Montréal, Winnipeg, Osaka and Shanghai.
His plays have been translated into 33 languages and performed in 56 different countries across five continents, and today he is ranked among the most played Italian theatre dramatist in the world.
Giacomo Ravicchio shows have been in:
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bosnia Herzegovina, Cameroon, Canada, China, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, India, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lebanon, Mexico, Mongolia, North Korea, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tasmania, Turkey, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam, Åland
Honors and Awards
2023 - Reumert Nomination
Best Show for children and young people
Copenhagen - Denmark
2021 - Statens Kunstfond Særligt arbejdslegat Copenhagen - Denmark
2019 - Statens Kunstfonds Legatudvalget for Scenekunst
Copenhagen - Denmark
2018 - Audience award for the best show
International Children and Youth Theater Festival
Hamedan - Iran
2016 - Award Stage Art Designer
International Experimental Theatre Festival
Hanoi - Viet Nam
2016 - Award "Årets Børneteater
Danmarks Teaterforeninger
Silkeborg - Denmark
2016 - Reumert Nomination
Best Show for children and young people
Copenhagen - Denmark
2016 - CPH Culture Nomination
Best Show for children and young people
Copenhagen - Denmark
2015 - Award "Horsens Børneteaterpris"
Horsens- Denmark
2013 - Statens Kunstfond Arbejdslegat
Copenhagen - Denmark
2012 - Award Reumert
Best Show for children and young people
Copenhagen - Denmark
2011 - Award
"Best Show para público infantil de la temporada"
Madrid - Spain
2010 - Artist Award 2010"
Nordea Fonden December
Copenhagen - Denmark
2010 - Award "Max de las arte scenica
Premio Espectáculo Revelación"
Marimona - Spain
2008 - Awarded as "Best director"
New Generation theatre festival Giocateatro
Turin - Italy
2008 - Award for the "Best artistic performance"
New Generation , Giocateatro
Turin - Italy
2008 - Award for the " Best performance"
Festival “Lugliobambino”
Campi Bisenzio - Italy
2008 - Award for the "Best Acting"
International Theatre Festival 1,000, Tale
Bucharest - Rumania
2007 - Poeten Poul Sørensen
og Susanne Sørensen Legat
Copenhagen - Denmark
2007 - Award "Excellent Production"
Shanghai International Theater Festival
Shanghai - China
2007 - Awarded with the Italian
Cross of the Order of Chivalry
Copenhagen - Denmark
2007 - Award
" Maria Signorelli" XX° Stagione
Rome - Italy
2006 - Dansk SkuespillerforbundLegat
(Danish Actors' Association)
Copenhagen - Danmark
2004 - Award "Stregagatto"
Rome - Italy
2004 - Critics' Awards
for the Best performance
Villanueva - Cuba
2003 - Award for the "Best performance"
Grand Prix of the Jury
Giffoni - Italy
1999 - Dansk Skuespillerforbund
Copenhagen - Danmark
1991 - Award
for the "Best Italian production" ETI
Rome - Italy
1991- Award for the "Best Italian production
with the most performances abroad" AGIS
Rome - Italy
1989 - Critics' Award
for the "Best show for young people"
Montreal - Canada
1989 - Award for the "Best visual concept"
Festival des Ameriques
Montreal - Canada
1989 - Award for the "Best sound concept"
Festival des Ameriques
Montreal - Canada
1988 - Critics' Award
for the "Best foreign performance"
Montreal - Canada
1987 - Award for the
"Best set design" Schauspiele
Munich - Germany
1987 - Award city of Turin Theater Play
Turin - Italy
1986 - Awarded with The "
Golden Ticket" AGIS/BNL
Taormina Italy